Tuesday 13 September 2022

Not A Good Look

 Another big scary face. Gemma Brockis sent me this: it's Mussolini's Italian Fascist Party headquarters in 1934. There's a lot going on, isn't there – the face may be saying "No", but the walls... It's got my name written all over it! Anyway, it's a lot more ghost-trainy an aesthetic than I normally associate with fascism. When I think of fascist architecture, I think of Albert Speer's slave-built "cathedrals of light" at the Nuremberg Ralleys, and those huge, bare rectangles and domes reminiscent of and maybe even inspired by John Martin's extraordinary designs for the Hellish city of Pandaemonium in his illustrations for "Paradise Lost" made a hundred years earlier...
All of which I guess means there never really was a "fascist aesthetic", beyond Big and Dumb. It's just a numbers game. Changing the subject completely, walking home last night I noticed – it was hard not to – more police on the route from Victoria to Hyde Park Corner than there were non-police. I asked one of them what was going on, and she explained that the Qeeen had died – thanks – and that they were here for the funeral. "Isn't that a week away?" I asked. "It's just, this is quite intimidating." "Don't worry," her partner replied, "We're here to keep people safe." I didn't ask from what. 
 Hey, remember when that Russian guy got arrested for holding up a blank piece of paper? Can you imagine if that happened here LOLZ!


  1. What, and I can't believe I need to ask this, the fuck? So maybe keeping the monarchy and housing and feeding the royals is not as universally welcome among UK citizens as people in other countries (here: Germany) are led to believe.

  2. Are you led to believe that? Not really. A lot of love for the Queen, but "Prince Andrew is a Sweaty Nonce" hit number 5 in our charts.

  3. Yeah, the basic message sold to us is that they are universally beloved and people are proud of them. Scandals barely make it onto our news, much less into entertainment media (Germany's yellow press is as bad as any other country's). And the fact that any disagreement is oppressed in such a fashion was news to me. If not for tumblr, and now your blog, I wouldn't have known.

  4. "Any disagreement is oppressed" is stretching it. But it's definitely worth noting when a disagreement is.
