Sunday, 25 December 2016

A Christmas Reconciliation Between the Swedish Chef and Big Bird

Merry everything! Yes, I'm back in Puissalicon for the festival of lights and the Queen's speech (I liked this one), but I didn't watch A Muppet Christmas Carol, because I still don't like that Jim Henson was dead for it. I do like that he was still around for A Muppet Family Christmas however, so here's a lovely festive clip from it, featuring a rare encounter between Big Bird and the Swedish Chef, and also insight, laughs, chokes, a song, the usual Muppet magic, and the deathless Muppet pertinent binary. It's wonderful.

And speaking of wonderful, John Finnemore's Christmas Special heralds in a new series of Souvenir Programme this Tuesday! Thank goodness for the good guys. Happy First Night, readers!


  1. Happy whatever-day-of-Christmas! Let's hope JFSP actually makes it a bright one.

  2. Thank you! Let's see (with ears)...
