Monday, 29 April 2019

Kenny Everett interrogates John Lennon about Abstraction and Misery and I share it.

My mate Ollie Ford, who originally put this extraordinary 1971 artefact up on f*c*book, writes:
"This is a brilliant interview. Kenny Everett is so funny and John clearly likes him. He asks why his first solo album was so sad when he has so much and John starts to play the Laughing Policeman on his guitar and sarcastically asks if he’d prefer his next album to sound like that. There is also a heartbreaking bit when he tells Kenny how he’d like to die..."

I'm putting up a second post today, not because I'm ashamed of the previous one – it's clearly a beautiful tale, vividly told – but because I'm trying to make this the place where I share stuff now, and this is definitely worth sharing. The anarchic sweetheart, who would later go on to shout "Let's bomb Russia!" at Young Conservatives on the advice of Michael Winner, pulls surprisingly few punches questioning the choices of the troubled genius who would later go on to sing "Imagine no possessions" sat behind a white grand in Tittenhurst Park, and perhaps what's most extraordinary is just how cosy the interview remains, despite Cuddly Ken's unresolvable problems with not only John and Yoko's politics, but their art. It's all parsecs away from Lennon mucking around with Peter Cook a decade earlier, or Everett mucking around with Bowie and Freddie Mercury a decade on, but there's no bad faith here, and it's fun...

Liana Finck. Here's the linck.

... which hopefully leads me to why I'm sharing the interview here on this blog, rather than on, say, twitter. Because it's literally impossible these days to go more than thirty seconds on that site without encountering a fight. Neither that site nor f*c*book are really doing what we want them to any more – which is stay in touch – and they're both on our phones now, and our phones no longer fit our hands, and I'm increasingly concerned about what's in charge of who sees what. Joe Mande posted something beautiful about leaving twitter only today: "That's the problem with most things that are stupid as fuck: they're usually pretty fun" and Rick Webb's Internet Mea Culpa remains very sound, but of course there are many incentives to stay on, because one's work requires attention, so I'll keep linking to the blog on both sites. If you've any comments, however, I guess, please post below? Or just enjoy.

(If you're unfamiliar with the work and impact of Kenny Everett – whom I love – you're probably also unfamiliar with Joel Morris and Jason Hazely's "Rule Of Three" podcast – which I also love – so you might want to start with this one.)

And I'm still on instagram. Sure!


 "Well I don't know what we were expecting to see..." muttered Zorian.
 "You - You guys didn't think that was wild?! I thought you'd really dig - No, uh, no problem, there's other sights!" But Plok could see his fare slipping away...

Ilustration by Ed Valigursky.

Friday, 26 April 2019

Teaching Kids to Love Theatre by letting them Hate It

 Nigel Barrett is in a sensational kid's show at the Unicorn Theatre called "The Show in Which Hopefully Nothing Happens". Yesterday afternoon Tom and I went to sit at the back. Most of the rest of the audience were school parties of, I don't know, seven- to ten-year-olds, and witnessing them get to their feet and scream at the stage was, without a doubt, one of the best experiences I've had in a theatre. Here's some of what they screamed:







 And from another afternoon's show, which Nigel passed onto us: "YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE! YOU STAND WHERE YOU STAND!"

Photos by Camilla Greenwell. Hopefully you can still get tickets here.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

"At just a little under a dollar a word, becoming fluent in Na'vi is a very expensive investment."

Re: the implausibility of humankind ever actually visiting another inhabited plane... Avatar!

Commenting on the previous post, @tealin wonders if our hopes of encountering higher intelligences might be as much about a kind of "looking-glass colonialism" as they are about angelic conversations, and of course she's right. But the success of "Avatar" suggests a third and opposite fantasy - the desire to re-encounter the "Noble Savage". Were that ever to happen, the video below is probably as accurate a prediction of that encounter as we'll get. Some of my happiest recent viewing has come from discovering and then bingeing upon the work of youtubers who share my fascination with theme parks, and if that sounds niche let me inform you that Lindsay Ellis's piece on Hobbiton was just nominated for a Hugo, so keep up, old-timers! I'll share more of Ellis's stuff in another post - but what we're here to enjoy today is the work of Jenny Nicholson, specifically her hilarious fifty-nine-minute-long account of a visit to the newly opened Avatar theme park in Disney's Animal Kingdom.

Why not search for images of "Avatar theme park", and see if you can immediately distinguish
the concept illustrations from photographs of the finished park?

Now, I appreciate this might not sound like everyone's cup of tea - an hour-long monologue about a theme park based on a nine-year-old movie - but the sustained simplicity of the presentation is part of Nicholson's genius. My favourite detail is the Jordan Peele-y ambience of dread she notices pervading the park as a result of its invented backstory: the world's indigenous Na'vi have welcomed this second human invasion, we're told, there's statues and framed photographs everywhere celebrating human and Na'vi cooperation... but no Na'vi. Nicholson also just describes the rides, and I like just descriptions of rides, but these too add to the portrait of an idea that has over-reached itself just enough to be ceaselessly entertaining. Enjoy...

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

What I REALLY think about Space

Happy St. Earth's Day!
(Africa actually much bigger in real life. How many more mistakes can you spot?)

Below is a terribly on-brand TED talk (painful intro, but good meat) delivering a potted literary history of some of the lunar fantasies which might have inspired space flight, and namechecking Cyrano De Bergerac and the Baltimore Gun Club both of whom can be seen above toasting a cosmonaut alongside Baron Munchausen in one of my favourite films of all time. I'm a sucker for this kind of cataloguing - I love finding out where ideas come from, especially if the results involve illustrations of Jacobeans borne over a pointy island by a rig of geese - and as long term readers of this blog will know, this historical symbiosis of stark pottiness and scientific innovation was a big influence on me finally rolling up my sleeves and writing a whole two episodes of "Time Spanner".

But. There must have been a reason I made the narrator of that show a dead dog, and located its traditional scifi tropes not in outer space but in "Heaven", a dimension of things that don't exist, and with Extinction Rebellion taking so well to the streets I've been growing more honest with myself about exactly what it is I expect humanity to be able to pull off, and reconsidering just how very big space is, and I reckon Alex McDonald's talk misses something very big - that Carl Sagan, who was right about so much, might not have been right about this. Guys... I don't think we're going into Space. Sorry, but even if we survive for another million years I just don't think there's anything out there worth the intergalactic faff. I mean it's really far away, and those tales we told ourselves of other worlds were hangovers from sea-faring days, the hopes of encountering higher intelligences a hangover from angels, and so the idea that these exciting space adventures might have inspired billions upon billions' worth of scientific research seems more hilarious to me now than wonderful. Wasn't "flight" once synonymous with fleeing - hence "fight or flight"?* But we're never leaving home, not really. Because what's out there isn't Heaven, it's at best a well. And however much we lower into it, if there is such a thing as human destiny I'm pretty convinced now that it will be played out on this pale blue dot. We need something else to explore then, which is good news, I think. I don't know what NASA should be doing in the meantime though, apart from splashing out on a few more lady space suits. Drugs?
You're welcome.

Actual size of Africa (from back when BBC1 was the whole world.)

* I also found out recently that "cope" comes from the French "coup", so it's not a synonym for bearing at all in fact, but for fighting. Like I say, I love finding out where ideas come from.