Wednesday 12 September 2007

from: Greek Mythology Class 3 (found in France)

The Ninth Task
Hippolytis' Belt

 - You'r next task is to bring back Hippolyte's Belt for my daughter's wedding present

- But I can't do that!

- Why not?

- Because the only way I can get it is by force and I do not fight women

- If you refuse who knows what the gods will do?

- You Provokers!!!
At Thermedos

- Why - Hercules - have you and your companions come here?

- I have come to take your belt... but not by force!

- Very well then. If you win the fight I have with you, you will have it.


- Here! she's got grease on her

- Well done Hercules. If you come to my feast at dusk you shall have the belt

- This will not do. I will go down and tell a bodygaurd lies.

- Mistriss. I have just been told that Hercules has come for the belt... And you! Let me kill him.

- No!!! Arhh

Back at Mycenea:
- Here's the belt

(No-one less brave than Hippolyte deserves the belt.)

Excellent Again - One House Point for the last 2 tasks 

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