Wednesday 12 August 2020

Nightwalk, August the Twelfth

 The door was open so it seems I could, if I had wanted to, buy flowers at two o'clock in the morning. Back in the flat, Act Five of Richard the Second was slowly uploading - I don't still go for night walks on purpose, I'm just very late getting my steps in. There were quite a few other people out yesterday night, maybe waiting for the city to cool down. Blasts of hot air from the buildings along Gloucester Place, although I think they were simply blasting whatever air was there, and it just happened to be hot. Apart from that there was no wind. It barely felt like going outdoors. It felt like stepping out of the changing rooms. I could smell chlorine all over Mayfair. I think I've only known nights this warm before in Kuwait, when Nigel and I would bob on our backs in the Persian Gulf, a crisp packet clutched to our tummies providing just enough buoyancy to keep us from having to swim. The walls around Buckingham Palace are surprisingly low I noticed. There's an overhanging tree right next to a lampost, right next to a bus shelter on... (goes to look for the name of the road linking Hyde Park Corner to the Royal Mews)... the A302. A guard seemed to be sleeping against an arch. All the windows were closed. My phone always dies before I make it back so I count the remaining steps on my fingers.

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