Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Them, There

 Underpants. Shorts. Skins. Breeches. And two different frocks. It was my mate Neil who observed in the green room that the captain is the only ghost from Ghosts "in full trou'". For fans of knees, brains and heart, the entirety of series 2 is now available to viewers in either the UK or the know, here. Just saying. No reason. I'm going to look at this picture a little longer.


  1. I just want it to be on record that I absolutely did not cry during that scene. Much. Or, you know, at all. (To think I had been doing so well during the whole of Cap's backstory in episode 3. Damn.)

  2. My weakest momen in the series proabbly came at Thomas' "eleven... twelve..." but also because it was such a good joke. Oh and Humphrey's monologue.

  3. Humphrey's monologue is ever so good. Which one is your favourite ghost (or character in general), if I may?

  4. Don't make me choose! Only tyrants have favourites! (Maybe Mary.)
