Sunday 10 May 2020

Alternative Characterisation Strategies

 It would mean a lot of editing though. And that's a surprising number of fake eyes. Not different eyes either, just different ways of portraying eyes. So many eyes. Maybe that's why the picture caught my attention. I just found it on tumblr, but I'm now realising I really want this kit. Imagine if I had all these disguises, how untraceable I'd be! "He went that-a-way" I would say... I wonder who the first person was to say that. Right, according to TV Tropes the ruse turns up in the 14th-Century CE in Luo Ghanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and is later re-used, as a result of convergent evolution perhaps rather than direct influence, by both Les Miserables and the Three Stooges, who I'm guessing added the "-a-". Any other leads greatly appreciated.


  1. Am now singing "Why are all the fake eyes blue?" to a tune by Crystal Gayle.

    (I have chosen to deliberately ignore the blood red horrors in the bottom right corner, next to a nose and... whatever those blobby red things are. Fake appendixes, maybe?)
