Friday 15 May 2020

The Geezer, the Caesar, and the Pigeon-Pleaser


 Has this whole "play every single character in Shakespeare" project just been a cover for me wanting to play Aaron the Moor? It feels a bit like that at the moment. Act Four contains one my favourite scenes in drama and I've always loved how un-Machiavellian a villain Aaron is, but the Emperor, Aaron's opposite in many ways, is an interesting villain too, and this play really nails how many appalling human traits and weaknesses can become frustrating strengths if you're already at the top. Not positives. Strengths. Like acid blood. Saturninus' paranoia certainly seems a more useful superpower than Tamora's cunning. I did toy with providing a voice for the tongueless Lavinia but it just sounded like Chewbacca, or even worse, when I tried dialling down the distress, like Sammy the Crab. Anyway I'm off now to sleep and perform extensive checks on my privilege but in the meantime here's the fourth act of Titus Andronicus, containing racism, rape, and murder, so be warned, and also me trying to do Jim from Friday Night Dinner - actually maybe this whole project has been so I could do that.

Features two deaths, a birth, and many people's favourite Shakespearean comeback.

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