Tuesday 26 May 2020

"Thank you sir from 6 to God" - The Sound of the Summer with Auto-Generated Subtitles, plus Auto-Translation

 Four no-budget one-man productions of Shakespeare is all well and good, but nothing I make this year's going to top Je Suis Mermaid, so I thought I'd put that on youtube too, and am indebted to those who told me to check out the channel's auto-generated closed captions. (At least it got that I was speaking French). Here:
[Musique] À
Je suis ma m. J'habite à la merde. J'ai [Musique]
Laissé le temps au top. Je suis dans la merde.
À nous maintenant de six: Qu'est ce que c'est que tu fais aujourd'hui
À Cannes? De nos francs, dix marocain poisson à totino médecine gland.
Je suis ma m. J'habite à la mer.
Hays s'élève á tizi disquaire day one.
Approcher sakuma cheveaux gris mat à lieu à Kiev.
Merci Monsieur merci Monsieur mais il fait aussi fonction.
Merci Monsieur de six à dieu, c'est la mer et le
cadeau dinars mais Séguinaud lance
Marie vêtus de blanc. Merci monsieur [Musique]
Si ça dure [Musique]
Remercier monsieur vers ma chère.
Voilá merci monsieur français à dieu. [Musique]

 And for those who don't speak French, youtube also of course provide an auto-translation service:
[Music] At
I am my m. I live in shit. I have [Music]
Time left on top. I'm in shit.
To us now from six: What is it that you do today in Cannes?
Of our ten francs, Moroccan fish with totino medicine acorn.
I am my m. I live at the sea.
Hays amount to tizi record store day one.
Approach his mat gray hair sakuma takes place in Kiev.
Thank you sir thank you sir but it also works.
Thank you sir from 6 to God, it's the sea and the dinars gift
but séginuad launches
Marie dressed in white. Thank you sir [Music]
If it lasts [Music]
Thank you sir towards my dear.
Here is thank you French mister to God. [Music.]
Apparently Seginaud was a French cyclist. Obviously I love this.


  1. The mix of 2 languages, the accent, the singing… It was too much.
    My favourite bit is ‘à Cannes de nos francs dix marocain poisson à totino médecine gland’ because it’s a lovely string of random words (or almost, no idea what ‘totino’ is) and because it’s so very very wrong. It’s the transcript for ‘I can do no wrong with my rock and my song and all the other mermaids singing along’! Beautiful work, speech recognition. Beautiful work. Your French accent is so good, it didn’t realise it was English.
    These algorithms are supposed to ‘learn’… I wonder what this one learnt; apart from that it’s no match for your French mermaid singing voice.

  2. My favourite bit too. It's a beautiful language.

    1. A beautiful new language YOU created. You can cross that off your to-do list.
