Thursday 19 November 2020

Sometimes this blog will just be the Horrible Histories Prom. Literally.

 I'm very late to this party, having not watched Horrible Histories before I was lucky enough to work with the show's – let's call them what they are – total stars, but in the comfort of this lockdown I finally managed to binge those first five series, and what a party I've missed. Series four and five in particular feel like the absolute apotheosis of a good idea, the work of people who by now could do no wrong (they even let Lawry sing!) and I wonder if this prom – recorded by my reckoning just after series three – contributed anything to that unmatchable mojo. Look at Larry Rickard, for example, tearing through his Bob Hale monologue alongside a live orchestra like it's not the most terrifying thing any actor could do. Has any room as big as this been as full of love? They're monarchs of all they survey, and just so very good at their job. But you know all that. Like I say, I'm very late to this party.


  1. I was very late to the party as well - mainly started watching HH because Lawry was in it, and then I simply fell in love with the cast and everything that they do. And the songs are truly marvellous - a compilation of all the songs from season 1 to 5 can be found here, by the way. I for one have listened to the whole of it several times over, and have yet to tire of it.

  2. I missed it as a child, and watched it this term after talking about Ghosts with friends because none of us have anything to do anymore except work and watch tv, and realising that everyone else had loved it as a kid. I was absolutely addicted, and I sort of wish I'd seen it earlier but I do appreciate getting to watch it for the first time during a stressful degree at stressful university in a stressful pandemic - it was such a needed reminder that learning can be fun, and not just crying during a zoom tutorial...

  3. Thanks, Lothiriel. I really like how Lawry's two most recurring characters, Brian Cox and Cromwell, are a notably attractive man and a notably unattractve man. And how do you link to things in a comment. HOW!
    Anonymous: I'm also quite glad I got to binge the show in my lock-down learning things mode.

  4. This way: < a href="url" >link text< /a > (only without the spaces before/after the less-than/greater-than signs)

    Also, I absolutely didn't just watch the HH Prom in its entirety - but that's only because I skipped the classical music bits, for now.
