Possibly the most Music Video-y Music Video ever.
(Ugh! Letterboxing! Ugh!)
Welcome to this week's fortnightly quiz! That is correct, I am still pretending not to be a week behind on my posts. As a gang we decided this Friday's (last Friday's) rounds should all be television-based, but at the last minute I decided to abandon my "What connects these nine shows whose stars all died this year?" idea as a bit too much of a buzzkill, so here instead are ten images from classic music videos, but can you match them to the artist? The artists are Aphex Twin, Bjork, Blind Melon, Cardi B, the Chemical Brothers, Peter Gabriel, Michael Jackson, Nirvana, Radiohead, and the Wu-Tang Clan, one of whom I had to look up and are only included because of just how great their video is. Instead of posting the answers in the comments as usual, I'll link to the videos themselves just beneath the image. So enjoy. And rockety roo!

And for a bonus point, name this band:
Answer... Okay, the word Answer looks really weird to me now.
2 Nirvana (heart shaped box?) 3 Radiohead (burn the witch), 7 Peter Gabriel (sledgehammer), bonus band are The Cure.
ReplyDeleteIn my case radio apparently killed the video star. (Although I'd guess Aphex Twin for 4, just because all his videos are strange)
Just checking you got that I've linked to the answers, yuh?
ReplyDeleteI did, but I like to play the game for the games sake.
ReplyDeleteThe sake of the game is very much what the game is for, but don't people normally only post answers in comments because they want to know if they've got them right?