Saturday 7 November 2020


 This is the last of the four posts that will begin with me confessing I'm posting them all on the evening of Saturday the seventh. This is the evening that it was finally confirmed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had indeed won the election, and Trump's legal team had indeed chosen not to concede graciously but instead announce that "lawsuits will be brought, starting on Monday", and that "networks don't get to decide an election, courts do" from a freestanding podium in a parking lot because they'd booked the wrong Four Seasons. 

 I have been waiting so long to be able to find this monstrous administration funny, and now... oh god... I just... and all of us... I know that when I decided to try blogging daily it was because I didn't want just to be reacting to stuff on twitter but... Oh God look at it! This, and the sudden revelation of the unpopulairty of populists. And everything. 

The other Four Seasons

Thank you. Thank you to those courageous enough to stay in line for eight hours in the face of unprecedented and state-mandated voter intimidation, thank you to everyone who made a plan for this, and thank you, thank you, Four Seasons Total Landscaping, beside Fantasy Island Adult Books, and opposite Delaware Valley Cemation Centre, for taking that call.