Friday 27 November 2020

Sometimes this blog will just be pictures of Saint Jerome and his Tiny Lion.

 Because much of Friday was spent finally knuckling down to updating the blog. 
And because cats really furnish a study.


 (Most of these lions actually are sitting more like dogs; the king of the animals completely tamed. The Victorian sculptor Edwin Landseer had a dog called "Lion", which it's possible he used as a model of the back two-thirds of the lions at the base of Nelson's Column after the one he'd obtained from London Zoo got too smelly - the danger there of working to a dead lion! That's another Time Tour joke.)


  1. Tiny lions that live in your house! (Except these ones wouldn't love you.)*

    *[doesn't really work without MCS delivering the line, does it?]

  2. Oh yeah! John's literally written about everything by now, hasn't he?
