Saturday 25 December 2021

Deck the Stars!

 Season's Merries to all of you, ol' Unatendees! From the tasteful opulence of this Notting Hill window display, to the simple star atop the town down the tracks below. I hope, however you spend this day, and whomever you spend it with, that incorporated into it at some point will be your idea of fun, and I hope you're all doing tremendously!


  1. My idea of fun was re-watching The Might Fin's Christmas Carol 2: Boxing Day, and it was as brilliant as ever. (Or, as Jerry Wilkinson would put it, "five stars".) That chap playing Future, he's pretty amazing, isn't he?

    1. Thank you. I did have a problem, though, with Future's slump being cured by his boss telling him to just snap out of it. Carrie deserved better.
