Wednesday 22 December 2021

Bonus Mystery Clip Round: Spot The Difference!

 Oo now, this might be fun.
 Can you tell the difference between these two videos: one, a normal, thirty second advert which has been on the telly for a couple of months – above – and – below – a slightly longer version for some reason, which I can only find online? Can you see what they added? Or what they took away? And maybe why?

 In other news, I decided to keep most of that big Watson moustache from the Bolton run of Hound of the Baskervilles I did back in the Summer, and I suddenly found myself getting cast as dads, in some very nicely paid jobs, like a regular professional. That's not really news I guess, more of a catching-up. I'm still quite a screen novice though, not that used yet to seeing my own face on- JESUS JESUS NO WHAT JESUS NO!!!


  1. Your little face!!! (The editing is a bit weird... It took me like 5 times to see that you were at the top of the box, opening it. Maybe why this is not in the shorter version.)
    Looking forward to seeing you and your moustache on screen.

    Bonnes fêtes! Xx

    1. You might be right. That might be why. Thank you. Bonnes fêtes backes!
