Sunday 19 December 2021

The Natalie Portmanteau Round

 How best to explain this round from September? Maybe I should make having to work out how to play it a feature, rather than a bug.... It's basically a Star-Wars-related "Answer Smash" (two answers elided into one). For example, the answer to the above picture clue is "Judith Hann Solo", as that's a picture of Tomorrow's World presenter Judith Hann on the left, and the actor who played Han Solo on the right (and because I felt that Kathryn Hahn might be even harder to identify than Judith Hann, so went with the standardised pronunciation of "Han", father than the canonical.) The rest I'll let you work out for yourself. It won't always be a person on the left – it might be a show or a thing or a place – but it will always be an actor who played a character in Star Wars on the right, although I haven't actually included Natalie Portman in the end. And I don't care about the spelling. Aswers will be posted in the comments. Chwat!






  1. Nice one, think I've got them all. Number 2 confused me for a bit, until I realised it was the 'Slayer' bit that smashes into the next clue, not Sarah Michelle Gellar!

  2. SORRY YES, HERE ARE THE ANSWERS... 1. Fu Man Chewbacca (I've just realised Fu Man Chu was in the last quiz too. Sorry. That's weird), 2. Buffy the Vampire Sleia Organa (Well done, Ally), 3. Simon Mayoda, 4. Rainboba Fett, 5. Disneylando Calrissian, 6. Kenneth Branakin Skywalker, 7. HugoBoss Nass, 8. Gary Busey-3PO, 9. Nosferatu-D2 (This is what gave me the idea for the round, so sorry if the other answers aren't up to this standard), 10. Obi Wan Kenobi Wan Kenobi. I will also accept Ben Kenobi Wan Kenobi.
