I finally started watching
Parks and Recreation last week, and yet somehow I'm already on series three. Thirty episodes in, it seems to have reached a point the American
Office wouldn't
reach until its eighth season, coasting along on extraordinary charm after losing its motor, and that's weird to feel just two seasons into a seven or eight season run. Basically it's stopped being a show about a woman who wants to build a
park, and that's a shame as I was really loving that show. Also Mark Brenadanawicz has left, the one character who seemed genuinely based on observed human behaviour, so I might not finish it. Speaking of not finishing things, to honour the passing of yet another day in which I didn't even get started on finishing the latest episode of
Simon Goes Full Shakespeare, for this evening's blog I have photographed a few things left even longer...
Thing One: Putting up my paintings.

Tuesday will mark the second anniversary of my moving into this flat. They're going to look great when they're up though.
Thing Two: The
2000AD Zarjaz 100-Page Xmas Mega-Special, 2019.
And all progs following.
Thing Three: Finally understanding relativity.
Special theory or General, I don't mind which. Back in December I hit a wall roundabout page 54 of Frank Close's
Nothing: A Very Short Introduction when he started talking about electric charges without, as far as I could spot, explaining what an electric charge actually is. I mean, I know its effects. But what physically is a charge? Are "positive" and "negative" just names we gave them, and if so what's the point of saying "opposites attract" if they're only opposites becasue we named them after opposites? Without understanding any of this, everything following has to be taken on trust, which given that it's all thought experiments means I'm lost and Do Not Get It. Similarly, I hit a wall in George Gamow's
Mr. Tompkins In Wonderland roundabout this illustration (no pun intended):
But since these are the books I'd chosen to read, this means I've also hit a wall in reading generally because I really want to finish these first. Take a sentence like Close's "he made a series of 'thought experiments', more usually referred to by their German analogue 'gedankenexperiment'" though.
Are they?
I should move on. I know.
I can't.
Thing Four: The sky above Prague.
Viewers of my
Journal of the Plague Year readings may remember me receiving this puzzle back in April. But it's just sky. Also though, sorry, but "an electric charge at rest relative to you, in an inertial
frame, gives rise to an electric field, so in this situation you
perceive there to be an electric field where previously you felt
magnetism"? So, Frank, are you saying that magnets stop working if you
move them, because I'm perfectly happy to believe that and I get that
this is meant to be weird, but I just want to be sure that's what you're
saying. Also I don't know what a field is.
Given this is a stock-taking, it's only fair on myself to end by noting that, firstly: I did get
something done today - someone online was looking for plays so I ran a spellcheck on, and tweaked yet another ending for,
Jonah Non Grata...
... and secondly: I am at least neat.