Tuesday, 14 July 2020

In Sickness And In Monsters

 "Lose the mask."
 "Mm?" I had earbuds in.
 "Lose the mask, man" said the passerby yesterday at the top of Mount Vernon before collapsing in a heap immediately, blood falling out of his ears in clots, probably, I don't know, I didn't look back but probably. That evening, to signify the risk of my days becoming more structured I not only chose a film but attempted to make popcorn, and with every window wide open finally sat down to watch A Quiet Place.

 Peter had recommended it. He and Phil had picked it for the third episode of their new podcast Horror Movie Maniacs, with no idea that when they would finally come to record it the whole world would be self-isolating. You can hear it here, and there are also spoilers below, but I love Ryan George's hair-splitting Pitch Meetings. And I love having horror fans as best friends. We follow the rules.

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