Tuesday 7 July 2020

Sometimes This Blog Will Just Be Yet Another Video of Lembit Öpik Recruiting Space MPs

 Apparently outer space still needs forty-to-eighty-one-year-old "Life Skills" graduates to stand for the Parliament of Asgardia, and Lembit Öpik's finally been allowed outdoors to issue a chilling warning of what will happen if they're not forthcoming: "We know it's a statistical certainty that, sooner or later, life will be extinguished unless we do something about it." He never tells us what "it" is, but bloody hell! I woke up at nine in the morning today, as opposed to seven in the evening, and I'd had absolutely no idea how normal things had got back to...




 Chilling... So I might go back to taking night walks. And it really looks like we're going to need those Zero Gravity birth experiments soon, so get those forms in!
 Great to see Tim Curry on board as well.


  1. One would think that figuring out how to actually live in space came before electing space-MPs, but who am I to question the wisdom of the great, self-proclaimed nation of Asgardia.

  2. But who's going to work this all out if not the space-MPs?
