Friday 7 October 2022

BIG Asgardian News!!! (Still Watin' For Lembit)

 The Space Parliament of Asgardia (the hard-drive orbiting Earth, chairman: Lembit Öpik) has just had its seventeenth (?!) international cyber-sitting, and put all three days of it up online, as is the Agardian way. I haven't taken minutes of the whole thing as before – because there are hour and hours of it – but looking in on the opening day I did notice a development you might want to hear about.
 We're seventeen minutes into the first day, Lembit's late again, and someone's just complimented the Minister of Manufacturing Jacob Mulder's presentation skills, suggesting he should get his own radio show, which is nice, but just everyone's basically hanging around. Then Egbert Edelbrœk asks if he should play a commercial, and Jacob laughs, but no, Egbert's not joking, he's made a presentational video which was going to be played later so they might as well play it now. 
 And to my enormous surprise we then see... well, firstly, this:

 Because it's always nice to get a glimpse of someone's wallpaper for a split second (this looks A LOT dirtier when only glimpsed) but then the video...
 Is this Asgardia?! Is this what's up there, the hard-drive? Or just a plan for what to send up next?
 "Is there sound?" someone asks. 
 Interesting shape too. I don't really know what a butt plug looks like, but it does look like something you might use to plug a butt. And what does "Spaceborn United" mean?
 Then we get a cross section...

 And it takes me a moment to realise what I'm looking at...

 Oh wow, that's...
 And then it ends. 
 By which point Lembit has joined us to start proceedings, munching on something, crisps? "Bon appetit, Mr. Chairman," to quote Ariadne Gallardo. Voting is about to start, Lembit explains: "You can vote Yes, No, or I don't know"...


  1. I don't get why the Asgardians have picked a name for themselves that a massive media franchise is already using. Do they like boasting to potential donors about how many Google hits they've got? "Lembitopia" has no hits at all, they could become a unique presence. But maybe that's too Öpikcentric.

    Perhaps the moral is: Back away from the Asgardian council meetings and go to the pub?

  2. All my searches turn up the original one true dream driven space nation. What else is Asgadia? A real ale?
