Tuesday 2 March 2021


 I've just rewatched this video to confirm that Richard Herring's interview here with Brian Blessed may be the greatest one-man show I've seen. It's a hell of an act, really – literally death-defying – and, while often threatening to disintegrate into whatever the louder version of waffle is, every unprompted digression ultimately leads to a vista. You might find yourself, like me, crying honest tears of joy several times at the beauty of the view. 
 "Exploration is not a discovery.... it is a Remembrance!"
 These last twelve months have proved something of a procrastinator's paradise, and I know I haven't been alone in approaching the end of the virus with some dread at the idea of being asked once again "So what's next for you?" But Brian Blessed's been training to climb Olympus Mons, which is four times the height of Everest, and on Mars. So maybe what I'll do next is fuck Death up the arse, live forever, and learn to sing like Pavarotti. Thank you, Brian, can't wait.

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