Before the invention of gasoline motors, osteotomes such as this were powered by Charades.
The pop shield I was sent didn't reach from the stand though. I tried holding it over my face like a French fan. Could something perhaps be installed to stop me popping permanently – enquired Bottom Right – like a nose bag?
We wracked our brains for something that could be worn over the mouth.
– Whathever man invents the machine that can make Simon quieter– began Bottom Left.
– Or woman, I interrupted, in celebration of the day.
– Whatever man invents the machine... or woman... that can make Simon quieter– Bottom Left corrected himself.
Whatever we finish making should be available in a couple of months, which is exciting, until which time I think I get to keep the whole recording caboodle, which is also exciting. Maybe I'll make some rap. I've been relistening to Rob Hubbard's old Commodore 64 sountracks recently: they're stirring, and would make an excellent bed. Don't copy me.
Ooh, new thing. Exciting.
ReplyDeleteI had to look up what a pop shield was, but yeah, I also require the portable nose-bag version, at least if working-in-an-actual-office is a thing that I ever have to do again. This would hopefully temper the ongoing situation in which colleagues I don't know DO all know who I am, because I am the strange laughing noises.
Still, at least I'm not Explosive Sneeze Woman, that's someone else.
If only someone made something we could just wear over our face!
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I saw something online at the beginning of this recording-from-home thing that said you could make a good-as-professional pop shield from a wire coat hanger and some nylons (a nylon? does it exist in the singular?) ... though I suppose a thin sock could do, if you were short on pantyhose. The benefit of that version would be a length of extra hanger, which could be wired on to anything that might be convenient at an appropriate distance, or indeed fashioned into something like a shoulder-mounted harmonica stand so you could be popless everywhere you go! Or, yes, some sort of cloth thing you could just attach to your face. Someone could make a fortune off that. I bet it'd be handy for other things too, like robbing banks.
ReplyDeleteI suspect I recognise the blurry peach blobs at bottom left and bottom centre, so colour me provisionally excited!
Ahhh, the memories. I've a lovely pop shield already, but yes I could probably make a harmonica stand for that, although as an actor who walks a lot I am never short of panty hose. And yes, we're still working on that cloth thing. It's maddening.
ReplyDelete"Blurry peach blobs" is pretty accurate.