Tom Lyall is Jamie "Apollo" Bamber who played my dad.
Friday, 31 July 2020
"Yet I'll hammer it out."
Tom Lyall is Jamie "Apollo" Bamber who played my dad.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
King Richard the Second THE SECOND

This afternoon...

This evening...

And let's skip over the fact I managed to misspell not only "definitely" but "just". Don't worry, Act Five of Richard II is still on its way, even though I don't know how to stop iMovie having a maddening twiddle with the exposure every cut, but it doesn't matter any more because it turns out those recordings were just a dry run and yes, I'm going to do it all over again. That is how I've decided to solve the problem posed in the last post. I'm not sure the decisions I've been making have been the right ones, but at least they were big, and that means I can make another performance with all different decisions and, I don't know, people can pick their favourite. Not that I expect anyone to watch both (Act Four currently has fourviews), but they can choose between a shouty one or a recite-y one. I mean if the Clarenden Press, Oxford can have two King Lears in their complete works, I can have two Richard IIs, and maybe that's how I'll learn something. I've just finished re-recording Act One this evening on the old phone, with - I think - a very different playing of the King, and just a little more care over what's being said and a bit more stillness. And maybe this one won't be as good, but that doesn't really matter as I'm excited about the project again, excited by the freedom of it again. And, most importantly for me, I'm showing off again.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Act Crack'der?
Monday, 27 July 2020
Sometimes this blog will just be Soy Luna 2's Tributes to Rodney Bewes, Peter Baldwin, and Roy Kinnear
Of course no sample this small can ever do justice to the astonishing variety of Soy Luna 2's nor the scale of the project being attempted. For example, I'm not even sure I knew who Peter Baldwin was before I saw this video. Having watched it, however, I feel like I've lost a friend...
Sunday, 26 July 2020
"Fred" and Flint
Before the Globe reopened and this could be tested, it was taught for some reason that open air theatres in Shakespeare's day required a broader and bellowier, more unrealistic performing style to compete I suppose with the visible bustle surrounding the actors, but this theory never considered the possibility it might actually be easier to connect with an audience you can see than one sat in the dark, no matter how hermetically sealed, or that broad daylight might actually require greater realism. Mark Rylance, the Globe's first actor manager in nearly four hundred years, proved this beautifully. He was not a bellower. He mumbled. He even stumbled. I last saw him at the Globe playing Richard the Second as a man who, like Alfred Ill in Dürrenmatt's The Visit, realises long before everyone around him that they're going to have to kill him (The Visit's very good), and he was superb, and there was a flub: As the King's world suddenly collapses around him he feels compelled to admit to his followers "I live with bread, like you" but when Rylance played the scene Richard, apparently in a state of shock, said instead "I live with Fred..." and I still remember that flub seventeen years later, a mistake made completely in character, a sign of craftsmanship. So when I found the speech on youtube yesterday I admit I was surprised to see, three minutes and twenty-eight seconds in, Rylance making exactly the same flub. "I live with Fred..." It's possible I saw him on the same night this was recorded. But it's not likely. What an artisan. Here's me bellowing, and Bolingbroke being a cock...
Saturday, 25 July 2020
The Subtle Machinery of Aw










Thursday, 23 July 2020
With Apologies to Any Orthodox Antiochians on Little Edward Street

Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Whoever's in Charge
"Fortress built against infection" my bum. (Source)
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
"Grief Bounceth" - Full Shakespeare's Full Return
Okay, that wasn't really the line: what the Duchess of Gloucester was meant to say was "Grief boundeth", but I think "bounceth" actually makes more sense as a metaphor so that's what I went for. Oh, the power! The power of doing Shakespeare all on my own. And the shouting! Doing all of the shouting on my own. Here then is episode twenty-one of "Simon Goes Full Shakespeare" in which I finally test the waters of the Histories by doing the one with the most standing around in: The Tragedy of King Richard the Second, an opaque anti-drama that still nearly managed to get its author executed for treason, but more of that later in the week.
Maybe I'm a little too acquainted with this play (see the photo above from 1995 of me asking if Bolingbroke might have, in addition to hair, fingerless leather gloves). There were quite a few things I forget to explain in the video's introduction for example, like what a
"gage" is, or "lists", but hopefully it'll still make some kind of sense. I look forward to hearing any thoughts you might have, whether you know what's coming, or have no idea. According to Simon Schama's History of
Britain, Richard II introduced both
the handerchief and the spoon to England. Might the play be about that? Let's see!
(I like that Mowbray gets played off in the middle of one of his speeches.
The fanfare was just too long so I brought it in early, but I do like it.)
Monday, 20 July 2020
Transmitter Information
Sunday, 19 July 2020
"Obviously You Have a Bunch Of Physics And Stuff Going On..." Learning Science With The Corridor Crew.
If people didn't love special effects we'd never have had the Renaissance. Leonardo and Michelangelo didn't study the sciences out of idle curiosity, but because mastering their art meant fooling the eye, and that meant understanding perspective, light, physics and biology. Even John Dee started out in special effects at Trinity College. I arrived at this conclusion after a couple of days down a rabbit hole with Los Angeles-based Visual Effects youtubers, the Corridor Crew. I'd come to them through their "stuntmen react to stunts" videos, which led me to their "VFX artists react to VFX" videos, and I was just enjoying the clips and vicariously getting off on their work ethic, but then realised I was also beginning to learn some science. The penny dropped when they were reacting to 2012. I knew from Helen Czerski's zero gravity reports over on the Cosmic Shambles Network that physicists have been after a general theory of granular material, but it hadn't occurred to me that CGI artists working on disaster movies would also be after exactly the same thing. Here. (I think all these videos begin at the appropriate point)...
And it's not just a one-way street. Instead of producing concept art for the black hole in Interstellar for example, an astrophysicist was approached to provide equations to feed into a purpose built rendering engine, and the resulting visualisation produced two research papers...
I've also learnt from these videos how light acts beneath the surface of the skin, and how important an understanding of this "subsurface scattering" is in producing non-gummy-looking CGI humans. (I've also learnt that far too many artists think there's a muscle linking the filtrum to the upper lip)...
Less universally applicable, but still fascinatingly, I've learnt that being set on fire as a stuntman is surprisingly feezing...
And that for all the battle scenes in which you may have seen a flying arrow sliced in half, it turns out you shouldn't actually try to intercept a missile with a weapon specifically designed to pass through things (that's my conclusion, not theirs)...
These are just examples of the science I picked up by the by. The Corridor Crew also produce more traditionally educational videos, and they're also superb. As Visual Effects Artists the Corridor Crew are first and foremost communicators, so they don't just understand the science that they're explaining, they understand how people receive information. For example here's a very simple idea that's hard to communicate: the scale of the Universe. As a potentially unfair comparison, here first is Arvin Ash, zooming in and out a lot, wasting our time on how a shrew is bigger than an ant, and throwing in a weird amount of stock footage of blondes in their underwear.
And now here's the Corridor Crew's contribution. A problem has been identified and addressed, and fun has resulted. First scaling down...
Then scaling up. (In summary, if the planck length were the diameter of a tennis ball, an American penny would be ninety thousand times wider than the entire universe)...
There's such a glorious clarity to all their stuff, and I really can't recommend their channel enough. And it reminds me how much I love Los Angeles. The city's a workshop, and as was true in the Renaissance, the polymaths are all there, working in VFX.
Saturday, 18 July 2020
Goldilocks Zone, W1

For these past two days I've headed south out of my front door, and a lot has seemed suitable. Some shops are open now, as you know. I went to Forbidden Planet. You have to enter through the rear door, where the people behind the desk explain happily and quietly the new one way system, and how you're not supposed to touch anything that you don't want to buy, and as I moved through the shop I looked at these vinyl wotnots with new eyes and realised I was now in the mindset of a visitor to a regional toy museum, and that felt like an improvement. When I exited, everything else seemed improved upon: Shaftesbury Avenue seemed suitably free of traffic, with a suitable number of people in masks keeping a suitable distance even as far as Oxford Street. And the evening seemed suitably warm. And by suitably I mean perfectly. I mean just right, which it strikes me is something London hardly ever seems, which is fair enough. I've known the city deserted, sure, but not simply uncrowded. With one possible exception: the Summer of 2012, when the Olympics saw a lot of Londoners leave because they thought it was going to be unbearable, and then it turned out to be more bearable than we'd known in years. However, according to my daily Covid reporting-on-myself app the number of new cases has risen twenty five percent to two-thousand a day, so perhaps this feeling is madness, but it feels like the opposite, that's the point, and I thought that worth recording. Look at it. Thank you, like the banners say, and hashtag stay safe.
Friday, 17 July 2020
Sometimes This Blog Will Just Be Pinto Colvig, If It's Even That.
I feel I should have known who Pinto Colvig was before this week. He had arguably one of the most influential voices in comedy. Like Mel Blanc, he is probably best known for the cartoon characters he voiced, but while Blanc was a well respected character comedian with a regular showcase on The Jack Benny Show (basically the Seinfeld of its day, only more so because it came first) Colvig had to slum it as unrecognisable nightmare fuel in terrible circus-based shorts for Capitol Records.
Thursday, 16 July 2020
Pineapples, Poop, and Princes to Act
The Royal Museums Greenwich's weekly webcasts are back, with an episode on the newly reopened Cutty Sark (or "Skimpy Skirt" if you don't speak Scottish). The glamour of pineapples is discussed, traders who still sail are buttonholed, and Helen Czerski is on hand as usual to ask every question playing on your mind as if by magic. I give a couple of readings too, including a dramatic account of a storm at sea for which I had to repeatedly say "poop" with a nautical accent and a straight face. And in other news...
Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Designs for the Unseen (and What's Between)
Colours aren't reflected light in the concept art of Mary Blair, they're light sources. The Disney films she worked on were nocturnal fairy tales, intimately sunless and perfect for dark rides. There were concepts in her concept art too, like filling Wonderland with signage for example.

Tuesday, 14 July 2020
In Sickness And In Monsters
"Lose the mask."
"Mm?" I had earbuds in.
"Lose the mask, man" said the passerby yesterday at the top of Mount Vernon before collapsing in a heap immediately, blood falling out of his ears in clots, probably, I don't know, I didn't look back but probably. That evening, to signify the risk of my days becoming more structured I not only chose a film but attempted to make popcorn, and with every window wide open finally sat down to watch A Quiet Place.
Peter had recommended it. He and Phil had picked it for the third episode of their new podcast Horror Movie Maniacs, with no idea that when they would finally come to record it the whole world would be self-isolating. You can hear it here, and there are also spoilers below, but I love Ryan George's hair-splitting Pitch Meetings. And I love having horror fans as best friends. We follow the rules.
Monday, 13 July 2020
Climbing the Walls, a Matchbook Psychogeography
Sunday, 12 July 2020
Arithmophobia Is All Around.
I've just finished watching Don't F*** With Cats on Netflix. It wasn't what I expected, and I think I might have hated watching it. This is not a recommendation. But I wanted to see how it ended, and as someone who's worked with both Jack the Ripper and Shakespeare I felt maybe I should keep abreast of contemporary developments in self-mythologising monstrousness. One of the problems of course is that everyone always joins in with the mythologising, and this documentary confesses to being as guilty of that as the next ghoul, but in its adoption of horror tropes it brought to my attention one I'd never considered before, even though I as a writer have also used the trope (and I can't find it on either), namely that of the Scary Number.
A camera cranes in onto the "19" on the door of an apartment in Paris for example, or an internet café owner in Berlin will point to a stall and say "This is it. Number 25." The cliché is that certain numbers have a power, but they all seem to, just the fact of them - the factiness even. 10 Rillington Place. Room 237. Inside Number 9. Arithmobia is a fear not of specific numbers, but of numbers in general. And that's what I can't work out - whether the Scary Number is simply a horror trope borne of True Crime, or whether it speaks to something more primal... The Matrix.... The Prisoner... Like shadows, snakes and skeletons, have we always just, secretly, found numbers inherently evil?
Because if we have, I can see that becoming a problem.
Saturday, 11 July 2020
Showing My Face
Happily this detour also took me past a friend, Mischa from shunt who was standing at the bend in the river. I wasn't expecting to bump into him, or anyone. It's nice out, I suppose is the moral, but I know nothing's changed. I wore a mask. But also I showed my face.

Friday, 10 July 2020
Nice Picture Round
I love my fortnightly quiz companions so much but my only interaction with them for the past three months is framed around an activity where I'm at my worst and most competitive. My worst is probably tolerable though because we've done another. This time my round was just an excuse to look at some nice pictures. I posted examples of early concept art, they had to name the film, and there's a bonus not film above. Answers in the comments.

9. (The name's not a clue. I think they changed it.)