Sunday, 11 October 2020

Bath Plug

 My friend Silvia Mercuriali has been incorporating headphone-heard instructions into her immersive theatre long before the invention of the smartphone: discmen, that's what we had to use back in those days, discmen strapped to actors and radios hanging from trees. To enjoy her latest audioteatro intimacy though all you have to do is head here and download the "National Ear Theatre" app, book a ticket here for any Saturday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday from now until October the 31st, and then simply get into your swimming kit and await further instructions. At some point in the show you will hear my voice, that's a promise this time, and the site says you'll also need goggles. Before the global pandemic hit, Swimming Home was actually going to be a work for public baths rather than private (or showers), and it's been joyful to see Silvia reimagining the project on her instagram account
 Fellow shunt associate Susanne Dietz has also been producing videos here to accompany some of the text compiled from what I'm asssuming are interviews Silvia conducted, but Blogger no longer lets me embed vimeo content into my post for some reason, so instead I'll just quote one of them verbatim. This is from Maia Rossi: "I am allowed to be here. Among people. Nearly naked. And I am in my own bubble. There is a crowd of people around you. You are in the same element. You are sharing the fluids. But you really are alone. On your own, not alone. On your own."
<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>

^ See? What's this? Any ideas?


  1. I did it last night - it’s a joy.

  2. It really was. And I found conditioner worked best as a boat. But the water went up my nose.
