I definitely remember that when I walked through Jim in the next scene,
after leaving the stump, I passed him on the
right and this was then digitally shunted to the left to overlap him, but
you probably guessed it was something like that. There was a green
screen set up outside the house. The weather was perfectly overcast,
although there was no snow. It looked like this. That's frost on the ground.
frost disappeared as the day wore on, and the sky was perfectly
overcast for the effects shot I enjoyed filming most which had nothing
to do with passing through anything. That beautiful picture-book longshot of Keith and the Ghosts standing like transfers in a field was a composite. Lots of little shots put together. Here is a photo director Tom Kingsley posted of its
the chancer on the far right. Each
of us ("us" – Get me!) had to walk up the strip of white plastic
alone, pause at the end, then walk back in front of everyone else
without giggling, like a shy fashion show. It was in its way the
silliest thing I
witnessed all week and I felt blessed to have a seat at it. Actually,
it wasn't so much like a catwalk I now realise, it felt more like -
Have you seen The Ususal Suspects?
(Trigger Warning:Spacey. Rudness.)
Here is that episode.
And in other notices, continuing the Hallowee’en Countdown through Universal’s Frankensteins, here is the one instance of proper scholarlship I managed in the entire run - a piece of sleuthing that will change the way you watch 1943′s Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man FOREVER!
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