Monday 28 December 2020

THE YEAR IN REHASH: MARCH - Sung Blog Sunday! "Je Suis Mermaid"

 Literally the only photo I have of work.

 Continuing this review of my favourite or at least more conspicuous posts from the last twelve months here's the last one for today, composed in what would turn out to be my penultimate week of working at the Crystal Maze. Starved of collaborators, "Sung Blog Sunday" would soon grind to a halt, and this is probably the best thing I made all year. It's shorter than Titus Andronicus anyway. From March the first. Un, deux, trois...

 My second bash at GarageBand, suggested by a conversation in the green room of the Crystal Maze with Catherine Davies, who also suggested rhyming "bleu" with "azure", and the line "I hear sailors are easy to scare" so big thanks, Catherine. I dip my toe into using loops here, but not equalizers, nor have I yet bought a mic. Attempt enjoyment, listeners! (Cover art from George Leonnec below, and Weeki Wachee Spring's mermaid archive above, photographer and model unknown.)


  1. You've made a lot of great things this year so it's hard to choose but, yes, this ranks really high. Not matter how many times I listen to it (it's been A LOT), it's still the perfect mix of adorable and silly.
