Monday 21 December 2020

Free Access to Saturnalia and Birdsong

 "Today, in London, your gift begins at 8.04 and ends at 15.53" says door 21 of Gemma Brockis' Oddvent Calendar, the shortest day of the year. This being the peak of Saturnalia, rules are for fools and so today the door is free to all. Through it you'll find a radio helmed by Oddvent's staunchest contributors, who are taking requests. 
 It's just through here. Click on "IT IS OPEN".
 The calendar's other doors (including mine) are still available here of course.
 And tangentially you can watch me play Saturn really horribly here.


  1. Not really on topic, but isn't Saturn ever so beautiful as a planet, even more so when viewed as a tiny dot wearing its tiny rings at a jaunty angle, like a particularly stylish hat? (Pity that the weather doesn't look like it's going to let us get a peek at the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter tonight.)

  2. Well noted! Saturn is an absolute smasher, as well as being the first planet we learn to draw. I say, leave them to it.
