Thursday 11 February 2021

Snowflakes Are Cyberpunk

 Modified dust. It's why the statement "no two showflakes are alike" exercises our imagination more than, say, "no two daffodils are alike". Because how many different modifications could there be? 
 Well, here are a couple new to me:

 Photographed on cold plates in 1910 by Wilson Bentley, and showcased on the excellent Public Domain Review, Bentley's work is how we've known for so long what snowflakes look like, although I didn't know they could look like this:

 In fact, I assumed these must have been models or mock-ups, but as those who follow me on twitter will know - and I'm assuming there's an overlap - snowflakes can ineed produce axles. Many thanks to redscharlach for the tip.
 On a side note: Apparently, in the new game Cyberpunk 2077, you're able to "customize" your character's genitalia, but in reality you're only given the four options: big penis, little penis, vulva, or "off". Also, the be-penised models – presumably in deference to any possible gay panic among male players – turn out to be never-nudes who take showers in their pants; I guess you can take showers in this game. Also, the little penis is big.

 Sorry, I was listening to this podcast while out in the snow. Maybe snowflakes aren't cyberpunk. I don't know what cyberpunk is.


  1. I'm not sure what's funnier, the wide range of pubic hair styles even though if you take showers in your pants, presumably you never get to see them (?), or the casual stance of the character model who seems weirdly relaxed about his genitalia being rearranged under his nose.

  2. I'm wondering what stance he might adopt that might be less funny. I'd go for neutral certainly. A single raised eyebrow would make it weirder.
