Things just seemed to be naturally heading towards a "Spot the Martian" round, I feel, so below are twenty images I found online of aliens from film and television. Can you identify the ten from Mars? For example: if I showed you the picture above, you would, of course, say "Yes, these are Martians! From the 1951 film
Flight To Mars, set on Mars, which is why their helmets have holes at the front, because they live here so they can just breathe normally!" Bonus points if you can name the show or film the image is from, and additional bonus points if you just decide you deserve them, because why not? As many as you like! I'm WiIly Wonka. I'm the Childlike Empress. Infinite Wishes! Aswers will be posted as ever in the comments, where you can also tell me how many points you decided to award yourself.
AND HERE ARE THE ANSWERS... 1:- NOT from Mars. Selenites from "The First Men In The Moon". 2:- FROM MARS. "John Carter of Mars". 3:- NOT from Mars. More Selenites, from "La Voyage Dans la Lune". 4:- NOT from Mars. A "Mutant" from "This Island Earth". 5:- FROM MARS. "Mars Attacks!". 6:- NOT FROM MARS "The Brain From Planet Arous". 7:- FROM MARS. "The War Of The Worlds". 8:- FROM MARS. Martian Ice Warriors from "Doctor Who". 9:- FROM MARS. "Invaders From Mars"(1953). 10:- FROM MARS. "Mars Needs Women". 11:- NOT from Mars. I searched for "Venusians", and this image turned up from "The Twilight Zone". 12:-FROM MARS. "Aelita Queen of Mars". 13:- FROM MARS. "The Martian Chronicles". 14:- NOT from Mars. The Id Monster from "Forbidden Planet". 15:- FROM MARS. "Invaders From Mars"(1986). 16:- NOT from Mars. "It", (real name "Beulah"), from "It Conquered The World" (it didn't). 17:- NOT from Mars, I don't think. The alien from "Dark Star", exactly what it looks like. 18:- NOT from Mars. Another search result for "Venusians", from the Gerry Anderson knock-off "Space Patrol". 19:- NOT From Mars. Another "it" – the Psammead – from "Five Children and It". 20:- FROM MARS "Biker Mice From Mars", which I've never seen. Looks a bit QAnon-y.
ReplyDeleteOoh, a very good round. It's been years since I saw Dark Star but I suspect the alien came from Poundland.
ReplyDeleteYou can't put a price on imagination.
ReplyDelete3/20. Wow. If I hadn't recently rewatched the Twilight Zone it would've been two.
ReplyDeleteOo, is it a good episode? Also, how did you manage to get an odd score?